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Continued Frustration... Are you happy with your computer activities???

 Some of you may have picked up that I've finally found a computer after months of searching and testing. Was I surprised to learn that no longer do you get a bunch of programs as we once did on a computer. Nor do you get a completely new computer with all necessary components! I used my present screen and speakers, so I now have a cannibalized computer from ASUS, Dell and Acer... Geesh! 

So I purchased an Office package and got talked into a protection package... I admit that everything was sounding fine as I talked to the staff at the store... The software was added at the store, including the protection package. I paid extra to have it delivered and set up to expedite my use.  This time, the software and installation/set-up created the nightmare... Not only did I demand to have the protection package removed--it slowed the machine down more than my old one had been! And the staffing activities had me at a high emotional state...

Do you know what I mean by that?  Well, after experiencing Job Burnout, I am still on medication and no longer have control of my emotions--I will either cry or scream, depending upon the circumstances... The thing that amazed me though after it was all over, was that when I had been working, a major responsibility was to maintain effective personal relations with people...which I did until it reached a point that the volume of work and management actions caused me to lose control.  Yet, when I tried to talk to sales reps about my problems, admittedly being upset, I got remarks that my manner of communication was offensive to that individual...They would hang up on me! OK, ultimately I apologized to the General Manager of the store who had to get involved and he quickly said I did not need to apologize...

But, you know, it's kinda ironic that I handled myself professionally, many times dealing with opinionated and distressed people...and considered it part of my job... only to find that todays employees do not know the meaning of patience and empathy! At one point I stopped and said, "I thought the customer was always right..." because I couldn't believe what I was being told...

Anyway, I'm writing this because this is the second day I've not been unable to create my blog. That first day, I noticed that a routine page had been I knew programming had been done for some reason... Since then I've lost material, tried to cut and paste to use, tried to restore previous screens...nothing is working as it was before "the day" I saw different screens...

Which means I'm getting behind...and a key issue for reviewing is that if you don't review fairly quickly, you forget your personal response and what you wanted to say!!! With a paperback, I've marked it in specific ways for important and less important you know there is no way to do this with an ebook... If I am lucky enough to pick up key words from a book description I can do a search.  But there .ares many books that do not have an effective blurb...

You know, I have been working with computers from the early 60s! Can you imagine that I've seen the evolution from mainframe systems into personal computers and now all the various devices that include so many that you feel like you can never make the right choice, or that if you purchase it, it won't be outdated before the equipment has aged enough to need to be replaced...

And not once during all those years have I been frustration-free from using them! Don't get me wrong, I love computers and their capability. My frustration has always been with the people related to using them in any way.

When I used a mainframe, the main issue was being able to obtain priority in getting work done, since the programming activity was done centrally... 

Then it was the decision-makers who couldn't or wouldn't make a decision and stick with it for a reasonable length of time....So I learned to use ADABASE Systems, Tif, Nomad...and many more as I personally was involved in the evolution of mainframe to PC, plus a couple of total facilities management systems, one of which I designed myself, and discover they never get implement... Employees just keep starting over and over and over and over...No wonder other countries are gaining a better reputation for quality than America has had in recent years.

Now, I believe the customer is being shafted due to the corporate competition to bring out the newest and greatest. Do they think we are even able to take the time to try to keep up with which is best?  Companies are producing small low-powered computers and trying to pass them off as desktops... If you've never had a computer before, you would never know that these computers are so bad that you can't type at a reasonable rate of speed without blowing the system because they can't keep up with professional users.

I am not taking any new books for the foreseeable future. I have 4 books for which I need to create many more to read...and like I said, if you don't review quickly after you've read a book, you lose the "flavor" of the experience as you finished reading...

So I'm even hesitant to start reading a new book given my present computer problems.

The only thing I can think of for me is to move backwards to a simply narrative review much like this article...Dull and boring, kinda, isn't it???


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