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Showing posts from 2018


Over the last year or so, when my time was totally dedicated to my readers blog, I have also been involved with World Happenings...During my professional career, I was constantly working, many hours of overtime, which ultimately led to Job Burnout... During this same period, I was trying to balance my own life, and ensure that I once again did not become overwhelmed with work--book reviews--to the exclusion of anything else... Along the way, I found a Facebook group about blogs... I immediately joined, thinking I'd like to have an opportunity to talk to and about other people's blogs. The group had been abandoned, frankly, rightly so, because a series of people who obviously set out to upset, "vandalize by placing fake members in the group," and did... The group was offered up to a new admin... Anyway, since then, there seems to be not an interest in centrally sharing blogs... At the same time, there were FB members who routinely share essays, topical dialogue