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Open Memoir - Have You Ever Received a Message from God? For Somebody Else? How to Tell Them???


Several days ago, I woke from a sound sleep and immediately thought of what had happened during those early morning hours. God's Spirit visited... First, I have no idea why this happened. I had never interacted with the writer before he mentioned his new book to me on LinkedIn. While his book did involve faith in God, it wasn't significantly different in some of my earlier reads. Nevertheless, I was to experience one of the longest periods ever with His Spirit... 

There was no advanced awareness for me. The only thing that was normal was that I did search out music videos, but I do that for every review lately. The next day, however, I began to not doubt, but rather, to think about how to share what happened with this new contact. I sent a message to him on LI and also on X... Nothing... If I had got in touch, I would have explained what happened and ask his directly if I could publish as it happened...

God's grace helped me decide to move what I was typing and the rest of the events over to this blog. This would allow him to consider and share what he wanted to do. For those who have followed my review blog, Book Readers Heaven, there has been ample times, especially with my memoir, of my talking about my relationship with God and my Baptism in the Holy Spirit. However, I've become hesitant to shout about these happenings, given that those in the evangelical sect had, in my opinion, started something that has placed a shadow over those who call themselves Christians... when we don't support what the republican party and their candidates has done to "use" religion for political purposes... I would not want in any way for my open reference to God's supernatural interaction with His followers, to be something that would, or could, bring ridicule to my Lord... If you have thoughts about what has happened and what happened to me last week, comments would be welcomed...

Here then is what was the final ending to my book review of God to Hell Ole Miss... I had just begun to write my opinion and have included those thoughts on both blogs...


Barry writes like he was sittin' on my front porch swing, lookin' out on my land, as the latest Azalea bush begins to bloom, and starts telling me about the times back in his '70s. I start shakin' my head about how I saw so much of his time then and our time in the present very similar. Seems to me that time wasn't any different than what was happenin' here in the present... It is 'specially hard for we who know Jesus to see His words being said from the mouth of a conman as he wheels and deals tellin' lies to gain favor while his criminal activities are kept "openly" secret... and see some who choose to believe the cons... It is indeed a mystery to be solved over and over and over... (there's some duplication here since I had written some of the same things I've said as I try to learn how to share with Jeff.)

This book was published this year, 2024. I was sharing a little with my wonderful caretaker yesterday... The way I see it is that Jesus died for all of us, not askin' much: Just askin' that God be loved above all and that we love our neighbors, setting aside all the rules... Yet 2000+ years have passed and we still have wars, hate, violence... Why is that? I don't know the answer. What I do know is that those who are thinkin' and ponderin' about those wasted lives caused by those who choose, for whatever reason, to, instead, hate their neighbor, are creating such pain because of losses of a family member, especially children... on just one topic--assault weapons!

But one thing I do know is that when a writer chooses to write this story entwining the PTSD of a troubled soldier with solving a problem that was destroying the lives of others, that writer is seein' exactly what I see. God Bless you Jeff Barry. I loved the way your title was enhanced and expanded upon through your novel. Your characters became so real to me that I found my writing changing to honor the family who I met.  Indeed, your final Author's Note told me exactly what I had known--that the story was based upon a real-life experience... Be assured that this reader felt
exactly what you hoped... That we... can... indeed... hope...

Jeff. a personal note, I woke at 1 a.m. and began to finish the last part, which is my personal opinion of your book... After I posted Whispering Hope, God took over... 

I scrolled video after video until I found the "right" He Touched Me...which led to the final... God, I believe, has blessed this book...has blessed your writing...Keep writing. The Holy Spirit has fallen upon me as I write and He wants you to hear the words, know that He is with you...Do what you are led to write, do what He wants of You, My Son...Hear My words. You wrote that you wanted to see my blog...He sent you here to hear His words to you, Jeff...These are His words speaking to you... Listen to the words. Listen closely. I don't know what will touch you but the Holy Spirit is with You, Jeff... He's Here right now, Worship Him, Jeff. For the God Who Has Saved You, Knows What You will Do Now.  

The Spirit has left me, Jeff. May you know Him and His plan for you...Seek it if you don't yet know...But I know that I know that He has a Plan for you... Glenda

A final note: This is the first time God has spoken through me to an author. I tried to get in touch with him before I formally posted and could not reach him. Many of you know from earlier postings that I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Given the way Christianity is being used for political reasons, I have hesitated to post this. I feel I must, however. It is presented as it happened, although I did go back and correct a few misspellings since I was typing as I received the message...May God's Words Be Known as Truth...


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