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I'm So Excited; Just Can't Hide It! - The Reality of Life - This is What I Know... Shout Out to 7 NE WVU Orthopedics!
First, If You Are So Excited That You Want to Immediately Start Creating, and Sharing, That's The Time You Realize That You Don't Know How To Do Everything! Duh...
So, anyway, I'm up in the early morning again wanting share a little more. And the mechanics of it slows me down...
Technology is so wonderful...and yet so frustrating at the same time...
Did you ever get so excited that you wanted to share...and then when you get everything ready, your mind goes blank. Then You Just Might be a Senior Citizen now...
Face It, Embrace... 'Cause I Promise, Your Body Knows What is Happening Inside Better Than Your, hopefully, still fairly alert mind...
I Told you that I have no idea what is going to be happening... I can deal with that! Can You? I do have a free caricature obtained online and I tried to begin using it this morning and got hung up proving to the computer I was a real person...
I am, Believe Me! Nope! That Computer program created doesn't believe me... It's a Trust Issue, isn't it... We are wonderfully prepared to do anything with computers, yet cannot immediately do them either through lack of knowledge or the dozens of constrictive measures that each of every single program ever created has automatically built in at the beginning of each new project.
I know all that because of my position of creating and managing a facilities Information System--kinda. But, like my beloved Brother-in-Law taught me... That's On Another Page...
A Gabbie's Gem:
It is sometimes easier to live with pain, than to have to further restrict your body during the mending period! Yikes!
So, as you know, I've had what I am savoring as a miracle by the hands of a brilliant orthopedics surgeon, Dr. Murphy.
Don't Let YOUR Reality, Your Life Be So Narrow
that you are not hearing, seeing, and knowing the TRUTH!
I was headed to YouTube for Music When A God Incident Interrupted! You may see these often! YOU must choose!
This has been Gabbie's First Breaking News Event!
A Gabbie's Gem: Be Prepared By Facing Aging. When your mind keeps grabbing at so many issues that you feel like you're confused, You are merely aging. Recognize it and Learn How to Deal With It...
You know Folks, I've Aligned myself with Thomas, Known best as a Doubting Thomas. I remember way back, I came to my personal conclusion that it didn't make sense that we had to wait to get to Heaven, in order not to face pain...
A God Incident: I watched a NCIS show yesterday and it touched on this issue. I thought they did a good job of showing the Why? that I kept looking for...
Or, maybe, I have now been given the answer for myself. If God had created us with 100% indestructible bodies, then we, as we were really meant to be: Thinking, Individuals who are able to make personal decisions, right or wrong--the freedom to choose! Then, Why Bother!? Jimmy was the character who explained it. If we didn't have some type of heartship--if we didn't have some type of pain, then how could we really experience the joy of being...Alive! (My words)
And Now I Understand... Just Imagine! I've lived nearly all of my life, questioning the Whys of God's plan for me. And I was doing exactly what He Wanted Me To Do!
Back to post-surgery... I have to share, I was able to be more mobile with the pain than now. With the sharp bursts of pain, I was automatically adjusting what I was doing to eliminate as many of those sharp points of pain as possible.
Now, however, I'm restricted. You See, if God had given me a miracle--instead of giving the gift of healing to millions, and, specifically, Dr. Murphy, as an ortho surgeon, I would have not learned what I needed to know what I and many others should be told if we could. Remember the Star Trek type movie where everybody was connected in communication. Well, I, for one, already know I would not be happy. I need alone time. And so I've chosen to be alone at a time when...
I find Myself more restricted than I've ever been before...
Here's what they do, simply in my own words, 'cause I sure couldn't explain it medically or technically! The surgeon removes the deteriorating bones and puts a new one in... The new one is actually inserted into a strong part of my bone structure, set with "glue." You know what I mean, like, when concrete is used and set and needs to dry to be fully strong and ready for use.
And what that means for me, the patient? I must follow the rules, no matter what, in order to not pop out that inserted new artificial bone. Geesh! Yikes! Duh! I understand the need, I understand the rules...But my actually being able to do it, with the rest of my aging body, is really quite...almost...maybe...OK, it's not impossible.
But it's Hard!
So, even if I'm Excited; Just Can't Hide It! I already realize that I must follow the rules and slow down, do what I'm supposed to do (Yes, Mother--Boss, doctor, or whoever you must listen to).
For one thing, they want you to get up and move about every 45 minutes... Well, I surely cannot finish what I want to say within that time... So... I'm Taking It One Day At a Time... Me, who wants to know the answers to all my questions, has accepted and am living as He made us to be...depending upon Him...
My Interpretation of the Holy Trinity: God is the Father that I Never Had, Jesus is my Best Friend Forever, and the Holy Spirit is God's indwelling power which came when I asked Him to! He gave us Free Will to Choose! To Live With or Without His Love. And Why would we ever choose not to have The Greatest Love...Ever!
You feel the excitement of this writer. It is contagious and you want to experience more of what she has learned about life and God. She is beautiful and so honest. Happy healing dear friend.
c. 1800-1803 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "You are so beautiful! Your hair is shining. You have a beautiful figure! You feel so good in my arms! I missed you so much! I love you to no end! Let's make love right now!" "Just like a typical guy years younger, Max is always ready to go before I am. "I am so horny," he whispers hoarsely into my ear. I smile, enjoying his eagerness... "I want to kiss you all over," he mumbles into my neck as his hands begin to roam... "There's something I want to do, and I hope you will allow me." he begins, rather formally... "I want to kiss you all over and lick your vagina!" "I gasp, feigning shock. "I'll let you as long as you do it as long and as thoroughly as you did last week." "We did it last week?" ~~~ Ageless Erotica Edited by Joan Price I met Joan on line a number of years ago when she was writing a book. Finding her name in my files, I we...
...a lazy afternoon and my Sunday night shows, especially Madam Secretary have been replaced by ballgames! A shame! I knew something was wrong... It was Saturday and I was home alone... Mom had died and there was nobody to see me cry.... It had been going on for some time. I knew I needed somebody to talk to. I called Nancy, friend and our choir director, who also worked wher e I worked and I thought she could better understand what I needed to say...But she didn't answer... I called my Pastor. He and his wife came, it seemed quickly, and as soon as they came toward me, I cried, "Pray for Me..." I didn't hear any of their words, though. It seemed like one part of my mind was watching...watching the scene of my crying while the Pastor prayed. At the end of the prayer, they started to talk to each other, saying things like, she certainly needs help... For me, I couldn't seem to think coherently to form sentences. I felt like I was in a daze. Then I heard my ...
I’m easily amused. Lake circled the rental car around Palms Garden Cemetery. A spiked, wrought iron fence kept the dead in, otherwise, who knew? They might run out and vote. I didn’t say that to Lake for fear of an unappreciative groan. At the white stone gates, at intervals , the uniformed cop held up a hand to allow other boulevard traffic to flow past the line of bikes and cars waiting to enter the city of the dead. My skin started to hum. The voltage in the atmosphere was amped to the max despite the fanning palms doing their damndest to make this day a celebration of the dead. “Don’t anyone light a match,” Lake said. Riley "Big Red" O'Rourke We weaved and shouldered our way through throngs of bikers, some startled at seeing three people not wearing cut, sleeveless denim, or leather, or visible tattoos— until they caught the badges. They growled and spit, then went back to their conversations. Lots of fucks and fuckers bein...
You feel the excitement of this writer. It is contagious and you want to experience more of what she has learned about life and God. She is beautiful and so honest. Happy healing dear friend.