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Followup to Review of Vengeance is Mine...Give Us Some Feedback! Just for Fun... Writers Do Your Storyboard?

When I create the characters, I always envision what they might actually look like to make them seem more real. I have included some of my storyboard depictions below so you can see my ideas, but I love the images you chose as well. You nailed the dark braid on the victims. And Castle would absolutely make a wonderful Tucker!
Thank you again very much for such a comprehensive and thoroughly entertaining review. It's one of the best reviews I have received and I'm very proud to have it.
Most Gratefully,

Here's some feedback I got from Harry Krebs.
I had added some of my thoughts via picture and Harry came back with his own! Cool... Now, he was quite accepting of my selections, but we thought it would be fun to share how they rank up against his own storyboard...

Now Here's the Techie Part... Pull up my review in one window
and this in the other... See the book excerpt for further info...

Harry's                                                                           Mine!

I don't know much about cars, but I think mine looks more like a sleek jag...LOL...


Personally, I love Brosnan, but then, Castle is a writer like the main character...

Notice that
both look 
somewhat alike

but I thought the pose of Kate, Castle's wife, showed the personality of the wife...?

I chose the
one with
clothes because that was mentioned many times in the book...

Harry said I nailed the braid on the victims, but, then, I didn't include the following other you know who they are? The maid was one of my favorite characters, so I'm happy to get the writer's image of her! So, readers, do you know the book well enough to match the remaining three???? Add your thoughts as comments!


Writers, do you storyboard your characters? Share some or your thoughts with us!
Of course, they are just our personal opinions, of course...LOL



  1. This is great fun, Glenda! Thank you so much for interleaving our visions. I'd hazard to guess that each reader has their own ideas of what some of my characters look like. I'm very impressed with yours, and so flattered that you were drawn in to my twisted fictional world far enough to give the characters faces. Very well done! Harry


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