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Super Softy Super Flyaway Powder Distributor! What we call a Cosmetic brush...

An 1889 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec painting of ...
An 1889 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec painting of a woman applying cosmetics to her face (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Make-up brushes
Make-up brushes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

UBU Super Softy Extra Large and Soft Powder Brush

Extra large, extra soft powder brush. No time for cuddles on the couch with this brush, super softy is one dynamite of a lady. Use her extra large and extra soft head to apply powder foundation and blusher, bronzer and shimmer, super sized and super soft brush. Perfect for powder, blusher, bronzer and shimmer. Natural bristles for flawless results and economic use of powder.

Readers: In the past I've not included in my blog the reviews I do for products other than books. I admit I'm doing this now because of my losing time dealing with medical and dental issues that have arisen and because of my ongoing computer decisions... I took a computer back yesterday (another article of that soon). Getting ready to go out allowed me to try the product shown above...

I had used a brush in the past but somehow lost it along the way when I moved to the cabin... So I was pleased to take and try this product. I like loose powder and have been using Merle Norman's pearled powder for years.

I moved the brush across my powder and knocked off what I thought would be the extra powder... Not so...This super softy grabs so much powder that when I started to brush it across my face, the powder swirled into the air, on my clothes--in other words--everywhere... I mean you could "see" it flying and falling in the air!

Now I know that I can practice until I figured out just how much I dared to touch my powder, but, really,  did I really want to take time practicing how to brush? After that little coughing spell, I decided to read the package... No, I never read instructions unless I have to...A product should either be self-explanatory or you can plainly see you need help to know what to do...I hadn't thought I would need instructions for a brush...

When I read the first line, I clearly saw my mistake...this product was apparently for "girls"...??? So we have an age-limit on makeup brushes?  Here's what it told me:
A girl's got to stay on top of her game to live life in the fast lane. Make some noise, break some rules. But stay street smart with UBU Cosmetic Tools...
Now, I have to ask... Is there any reason a cosmetics company would be saying to girls--obviously not to women, right?-- that they should use this product AND ".break some rules." Now the pic above could be me, so you know that I've been using makeup for many years. Not once have I been told to break some rules if I wanted to be street smart...And yes I do know what that means, don't you? Geesh, I can't even feel comfortable passing this brush onto my young great-niece!

Next, I was told that I have "no time for cuddles on the couch with this brush...Super Softy is one dynamite of a lady! Use her extra large and extra soft head to apply...

Please, please tell me why I would need to have a cosmetic tool talk to me about cuddling...and more...

No wonder our world has become more and more sexually oriented! Everywhere we turn, sex is being used to sell...

Here's one product reviewer who will not support this product, just because of the packaging!


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