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Open Memoir - August 13 - Time with Rachel And Avi - Precious Memories

  We must speak out and tell the world that God is Watching! And God WILL Win! It was a good, but strange day for me. It is just 6:18 PM and I just woke up from a nap, wanting to record the day... I tried, I really tried, to share with Rachel but failed, to some extent... I told her that I knew that everything would be alright on her test last Thursday... She showed me her baby's shape and I was shocked that her head was so clear to see... She must have thought that I could not identify the child and pointed her out. I told her that I was shocked to see that she was so well defined that it surprised me. She chuckled and agreed that the time of her birth might not have been correct... We'll See... I wanted to share that I knew that the baby would be alright... So I struggled to talk about having awoke at 1 AM the day before her test to check for a possible heart arrhythmia. I struggled, how do you tell somebody that God had come through His Holy Spirit and touched me, thus touch
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