Muffin Man Coulda Been Better--By Cutting Half of the Book... Just My Personal Opinion, of course...
" Pushing herself backwards, away from the face pressed close to hers, Louise replied only with a prim: I bed your pardon?" "She noticed he was carrying some kind of bagel in his hand. With eyes peering between hat and scarf, the half-hidden face repeated the question, impatiently: "I said: when do you think it's going to start?" "Louise uncomfortable being so close to the strange, furtive face in the gathering early evening gloom, voiced another question in an uneasy voice: "What are you talking about? "His answer was a gruff, peremptory: "Always questions; can't get a straight answer nowadays. Listen, if you really don't know anything, then you'd better be careful..." Guess that's why U.S. cops stick to doughnuts! Muffin Man* Stephan Collina I think I've read enough fiction by now that I sometimes resent authors that I know could do better but seemingly goes, instead, for what ...